Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Matter of growing desperation

This is a critique of Matter of national security. The editorial in question is undoubtedly aimed at right wing “Tea-baggers.” The lack of any relevant argument other than conjecture and is only eclipsed by the lack of links to support his argument. The whole editorial appears to be wishful thinking. The President having to have been born in the US is a constitutional requirement, not exactly something you can choose to disregard. There is a good point that Ronnie makes: transparency in records. If a person wants to hold political office, especially the Presidential office, then all details should be completely public. Not that this would change our perception of politicians. We are too forgetful as a country. If some politician makes an error in judgment or is made to look foolish in public, wait 6 months or a year and the media will have “forgotten” the incident. The truth is that the Republicans are attempting to throw the kitchen sink at President Obama. Anything to keep him from being re-elected. Hopefully we are not so shallow of a populace to be so easily mislead.
What question needs to be resolved? What difference would it make? Quoted from the editorial: “I am certain that Joe Biden would try to emerge as the hero and distance himself from the largest scandal of our entire national history.” Ronnie is attempting to do what Fox news does and declare President Obama guilty with out any facts to back it up. The election is over and Republicans need to find a new flag to wave. Chasing windmills is obfuscating the real issue here. We have a government that is so bogged down with bipartisanship that rational choices are compromised for emotional choices. John Boehner is attempting to negotiate the debt ceiling for no tax increases. We have to increase spending and taxes to continue to climb out of the economic hole we are in.

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